Meet with Elder Cronos in Hunters Village. He asks you if you are ready to have your hatchling transform into a strider. Silly question. But he can only tell you how to do it. He sends you to Fairy Mimyu in Enchanted Valley. She will help you.
Fairy Mimyu is not far in from the Northern Region of the Enchanted Valley. She needs you to summon your hatchling here. She is impressed with your commitment of raising him. She tells you about 4 fairy trees. These trees are protected by the Ghosts of the Tree Guardians. Mimyu will give you 4 Fairy Leafs.
First tree is Fairy Tree of Twilight. Your hatchling needs to attack the tree. But when it does the Ghosts will start to attack. You must kill them. If the tree dies a lot of ghosts will spawn and kill you and the hatchling very quick.
This will take up to 15 minutes.
First tree is Fairy Tree of Twilight. Your hatchling needs to attack the tree. But when it does the Ghosts will start to attack. You must kill them. If the tree dies a lot of ghosts will spawn and kill you and the hatchling very quick.
This will take up to 15 minutes.
First tree is Fairy Tree of Twilight. Your hatchling needs to attack the tree. But when it does the Ghosts will start to attack. You must kill them. If the tree dies a lot of ghosts will spawn and kill you and the hatchling very quick.
This will take up to 15 minutes.
First tree is Fairy Tree of Twilight. Your hatchling needs to attack the tree. But when it does the Ghosts will start to attack. You must kill them. If the tree dies a lot of ghosts will spawn and kill you and the hatchling very quick.
This will take up to 15 minutes.
When you have done all 4 trees return to Fairy Mimyu. She takes the hatchling and returns a strider to you. Congratulations.
Now hop on that big thing and run around saying "Hi-Ho Silfver."
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